Friday, August 24, 2012


Dear Thunder Ridge Parents,
  Welcome back!! We are so excited for this upcoming school year!! If you would like to be involved at Thunder Ridge, joining the Thunder Ridge PTA is an easy first step.  There are MANY opportunities to volunteer and we always welcome new members.  We know that every parent’s schedules are different, and we appreciate any and all ways our Raptor parents are able to help our school.We are very excited about this year's PTA program!! Some of this year’s PTA programs include:
·         Reflections/Talent Show
·         Red and Green Ribbon Week
·         Patriotic Week
·         SEP Dinners for Teachers
·         Take Home Reading Library
·         Faculty Appreciation Month
·         Spirit Days
·         Thunder Ridge Super Bowl
·         Family Week
·         Family Skate Nights
·         Raptor Reading
·         Box Tops/Labels for Education
·         Character for Education
 To help lessen the financial school needs of our Raptor families, we will not be holding any fundraisers until the END of this school year. If you could PLEASE remember to CLIP, SAVE, and TURN IN your Box Tops throughout the school year so we can obtain the funds we need to run our amazing school programs this year, we would GREATLY appreciate it!! J
  The PTA organization serves as a STRONG voice for our children and we all are truly grateful for the opportunity to work with and serve the children at Thunder Ridge Elementary.  Please feel to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
Sheryle Coray- PTA President. Thunder Ridge Elementary

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