Saturday, January 7, 2012

Faculty Appreciation Month

This is Faculty Appreciation Month and information was sent home in before the holiday regarding what it entails, but if any of you are like me and happen to misplace or 'accidentally' throw away school papers, here is a run down of what to expect this month:

1. January 6th was a faculty breakfast and went really well!  Thanks to everyone that helped!
2. January 9-13th is Favorite Things Week and you are welcome to have your child bring in their teacher's favorite treat and then wear their teacher's favorite color on Friday. (Room Moms will be decorating the teacher's doors.)
3. January 20th the PTA is providing a nice catered lunch for the faculty.  We are asking that students be on their best behavior this week to show their appreciation towards our great faculty.
4 January 23-27 we are asking that students please bring in much needed supplies for their teacher's classrooms: dry erase markers, hand sanitizer, tissues, etc.
5. January 27th will be The First Annual Raptor Awards Ceremony for faculty. We will be gearing up with nominations all through the week and the red carpet event will be fantastic!

We are so excited about showing our appreciation for Thunder Ridge faculty and we hope that all of you will take part as well!

:) Mindi

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