Our School calendar is at the bottom of this blog. If you use Google calendar you can add this calendar to your own.
Raptor Reading
We are starting a new tradition at Thunder Ridge called "Raptor Reading," (formerly known as Donut Dates). Instead of passing out donuts to students and their parents when each grade hosts the reading date, we will be passing out stickers with our new logo and the words "I am a Reading Raptor." Students can wear the stickers or put them on their school notebooks or backpacks to show that they support reading. Parents can wear their stickers to support their children.
National and Utah PTA have asked that we promote good health in our schools, so we took their advice and also feedback from our teachers to come up with the Raptor Reading Program. We hope you all enjoy it!
Thunder Ridge Faculty
Principal - Jason Theler
Secretary - Kathy Loveridge
Custodian - Corey Hansen
Librarian - Cathy Jennings
Lunch Manager - Danelle Butterfield
Resource Teacher - Julia Witham
Reading Recovery - Chuck Brown
Psychologist - Ryan Greene
Speech Therapist - Beth Anderson
Music - Sheynah Satterfield
PE - Tim Martinson
Computers - Louise Harrington
Art - Poiette Lang
Kindergarten Teachers
Laura Glover
Devon Mcpherson
Carrie Willson
1st Grade Teachers
Emily Eliason
Apryl Beck
Lisa Schmidt
Natalie Burgon
Suzanne Schiess
2nd Grade Teachers
Mark Gatto
TiNea Hutchings
Stacy Howell
Becky Layne
3rd Grade Teachers
Aimee Biggs
Colleen Smith
Katie Rogers
Samantha Sands
4th Grade Teachers
Bailey Hodson-Smith
Jessie Cannon
Bob Larson
5th Grade Teachers
Brittany Cochrane
Erica Decker
Bob Smith
6th Grade Teachers
Ashlee Allred
Heather Jensen
PTA Executive Board
President - Sheryle Coray
President-Elect - Suzy Jarvis
Secretary - Mindi Barker
Treasurer - Jamie Thayne
Leadership VP - Leslie Willis
Legislative VP - Andrea Hancock
Principal VP - Jason Theler
Teacher VP - Natalie Burgon
PTA Commissions
Community Involvement Co-Commissioners - Sarah Rothwell Room Mom Coordinator - Emily Mount
Newsletter - Rebecca Webster
Education Commissioner - Talya Blomquist & Andrea Durrant
Take Home Reading - Becca Crookston
Family Life Commissioner - Rebecca Webster
Health Commissioner - Dawn Larsen
Safety and Welfare Commissioner - Darcey Williams
Individual Development Comissioner - Corrine Prestwich