Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Event Dates

Box Tops!!  Next Friday, October 28th, is the fall deadline for turning in Box Tops for Education.  We are trying to collect as many box tops as we can and are teaming up with Riverview Elementary to see who can earn the most money for their school!  Please collect all of your box tops and have your children turn them in by the 28th.  There are baskets in all of the classrooms or you can turn them into the office. 

Reflections Reminder!  Reflections entries are due on October 28th.  The theme is "Diversity Means . . . " so if your children have created some type of Music, Photography, Visual Arts, Literature, Dance, Theatre, 3D, Film and Video, please have them fill out an entry form (located across from the office) according to their grade level and turn it in.  NO entries will be accepted after October 28th. Please email Darcey Williams at if you have any questions. (Mindi)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Wear GREEN Day!

Tomorrow is "Wear Green" day for Green Ribbon Week. Please remind your children to wear Green and to turn in the Safety pledges that were sent home today. The green ribbons that were on the pledges are great for backpacks and car antennas.  We hope to see LOTS of green tomorrow! :)  Thanks! Mindi

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Busing for Sunrise Meadows

I have had a number of people ask about busing for Sunrise Meadows and when it will end.  Mr. Theler contacted the District today and they said we will be bused through next week. Starting October 24th we will no longer be bused and will need to make other arrangements for our children. (Mindi)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lunch with Mr. Theler

Congratulations to Noah Vanderstappen who had lunch with Mr. Theler today from our FB "Likes" contest.  He was joined by his mother and little sister and was as happy as could be! :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

SO Much Fun!!

The Auction was SO much fun last night!  Thanks to everyone that came and everyone that donated items - we could not have done it without you.  We raised $3,433 and are very pleased.  We are still a little shy of our goal, so if any of you would like to make a flat donation to our PTA, we would gladly welcome it.  You can turn it in to the front office and let them know it is for the PTA.

I am going to see if I can get some pictures from Mr. Theler to put up on the blog, so that you can all see what a fun night the auction ended up being.  Thanks to Sheryle Coray for organizing the entire event and thanks to Jamie Thayne for being her right hand man.  Also, thanks to EVERYONE that helped in any way with food, decorations, getting items donated, etc!  I am very grateful for ALL of your help!!
