Box Tops!! Next Friday, October 28th, is the fall deadline for turning in Box Tops for Education. We are trying to collect as many box tops as we can and are teaming up with Riverview Elementary to see who can earn the most money for their school! Please collect all of your box tops and have your children turn them in by the 28th. There are baskets in all of the classrooms or you can turn them into the office.
Reflections Reminder! Reflections entries are due on October 28th. The theme is "Diversity Means . . . " so if your children have created some type of Music, Photography, Visual Arts, Literature, Dance, Theatre, 3D, Film and Video, please have them fill out an entry form (located across from the office) according to their grade level and turn it in. NO entries will be accepted after October 28th. Please email Darcey Williams at if you have any questions. (Mindi)